Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

W7_Critical Assignment

W7_Critical Assignment

Q Is there an equality of opportunity when it come to differences in outcomes that people get? If there are inequalities in the outcomes (social, or economic), does everyone get at least some benefit from this? Think about what you think the best decision should be. Tell me what you think that is. Then, finally, tell me, would you pick that same decision if you were behind a veil of ignorance?

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A recent situation that I would like to mention here in this assignment is the incident when I had to admit a stranger in the hospital a few weeks back. I would have never known how corrupt the healthcare procedure had become unless I went to admit a stranger to the hospital owing to the fatigue and sickness that the old lady was facing. She was not registered under a medi-claim and her admission and payments needed to be done in cash or card. I was out for a drive on Saturday morning, when I found that a very old and feeble lady was lying unconscious at the edge of the road